LAS VEGAS AIRPORT – Motorcycle Parking

Terminal 1 – Motorcycle Parking

Terminal 1 – Short Term Motorcycle Parking

Motorcycles should not access the Short Term parking by going through a gated entry lane due to the potential hazard of a gate arm closing on a rider. Instead, park in the designated Motorcycle area located on Level 1M Long Term. To enter, use  the access point to the right of the Ticket Issuing Machines without pulling a ticket. The motorcycle area is located in center of level one long term parking map.[ cashiered booth] exit so that The Cashier can collect fees and ensure safety by avoidingPremature Gate Arm closure .

Terminal 1 – Long Term Motorcycle Parking

Motorcycles are not allowed to enter Long Term parking through the gated entry lane for safety reasons. Instead, park on Level 1M in the designated Motorcycle area using the access point to the right of the Ticket Issuing Machines, without pulling a ticket. When exiting, go through a cashiered booth so that The Cashier can collect your parking fees and ensure that the gate arm doesn’t come down too soon.

The cost to park a motorcycle in Long Term Parking is $18 per day.

Terminal 3 – Motorcycle Parking

Terminal 3 – Short Term Motorcycle Parking

To ensure the safety of all drivers, motorcycles are not allowed to access the Short Term parking by going through a gated entry lane. Instead, there is a Motorcycle parking area located on Level 2 Long Term. Enter the area by using the access point to the right of the Ticket Issuing Machines and park in designated areas without pulling a ticket. When exiting, utilize a cashiered booth where you will pay your fees before leaving.

Terminal 3 – Long Term Motorcycle Parking

Motorcycles should not enter the Long Term parking lot by going through a gated entry lane, as this is dangerous. Instead, enter on Level 2 using the access point to the right of the Ticket Issuing Machines. Park in the designated Motorcycle area on Level 2 and exit via cashiered booth so that fees can be paid and  the gate arm does not come down prematurely.

The cost to park a motorcycle in Long Term Parking is $18 per day.
